Saturday 26 August 2023

Saturday 6 May 2023


This engine hasnt been opened up at all, has a thin layer of solidifed oil settled on most parts. slight rust speckles on the steal cam sprockets and timing/oil pump sprockets, so it means Ill split the whole engine and clean all the parts. I havent really got a time limit, im not intending to get it ready for racing anymore.

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Ive completely cleaned the hub from gunk, polished and re greased, bearings were fine. ZX14shock fitted, needed little to fit, -tiny bit of filing on the bottom shock bracket abd the top fixing, the frame needed also filing a touch for the reservoir. Front forks and bearing fitted.

Wednesday 22 March 2023

NEw life in the VFR- RC36TWIN

 AFter a long time- lots has happened in 7 years since I last update this!

 After selling my trx from my other blog I'm goin gback to the VFR. I have 4 now, 2 RC24 and 2 RC36's, I'm going to start again and with lots of spares create 2 rc36 twins. I'm not sure if anyone reads this stuff anymore, might go to videoing as that seems the place to be...dunno though

I'm going to create a twin, I already have enough bits to do this, I'll get out all the bits at some point and run through.

First thing is I have a spare engine and frame, Learnt lots of lessons from the last RC36 with stuck bolts etc. Removed the engine and frame from my spare which has been sitting in the shed for 10 years. Removed the special adjuster bolts that were seized - a common problem with the lower engine mounting.  Once out I did a general clean, scrape off old muck and then run a angle grinder and fiece brush over it, lots of brake cleaner.

rusted bolts- bit of home electrolysis to de-rust stuff - first test- will create a bigger system later.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Back in the shed

Had some time to sort out the shed, haven't really done this since last year when next doors tree fell through it. Just popped the r1 seat on just t see if I would work. It will need a bit of think, use the sub frame I made but lowered down, or cut part of the original sub frame . Why does honda spend all that money creating an aluminium frame and then putting a nasty steal frame for the rider and passenger.
The photo doesn't really give the proper angle but it is interesting to see how it looks. Much too high so imagine it dropped shout 50mm.

Saturday 9 May 2015

New seat

I have bought 2 seats, one for my Trx and one for the Vfr, this blue r1 2006 model grp is a bit battered but I'll use it for a new rear seat sub frame I will make. The current seat height is far too high which gave me too much load onto my arms, lowering the seat height will solve this. So as you are aware I'm fixing 2 bikes, checkout my other blog, trx850racer, link on page.